Thrifty i Montevideo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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11800 Montevideo, Uruguay
kontakter telefon: +598 2481 8170
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Latitude: -34.8729488, Longitude: -56.1674631

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Miranda

    Roberto Miranda


    BEWARE! If you don’t get the Thrifty insurance, these people will try to find ANYTHING to charge you for. I rented a car in November and decided not to get the insurance (as usual), because I am covered by my VISA card. When I returned the car, the front desk person, Mauricio Oghes, realized I had no insurance and tried to find ANYTHING he could so I would get charged a fee. He realized there were some lines on the paint (not even scratches) in the right side of the car. They are not easily visible and would come out with a good wash. The car was FULL of such “lines” from the start, but since they were so subtle and not easily visible, nobody included it in the initial contract. They admitted the car was full of this type of lines and that we could not have possibly done that. Anyways, they said the best they could do was charge us $30 to have the car washed. It was obvious that their whole purpose was to charge us for something. The manager, Monica Nobile, was both disrespectful and unreasonable. Mauricio Oghes was extremely disrespectful. All in all, this was the worst experience I have had with car rentals in my life.

  • es

    Alvaro De Arma


    Excelentes autos y muy buenos precios de lunes a viernes de 9 a 18 sábados de 9 a 13

  • Sandro Cartegni

    Sandro Cartegni


    Funciona bem

  • Lautaro Urtiaga

    Lautaro Urtiaga


    Muchas calificaciones negativas. A tener en cuenta.

  • Marcelo Bitancourt

    Marcelo Bitancourt


    En alquiler lo mejor buenos precios.

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